Contract addresses
EtherScore Alpha version is live on Base Sepolia testnet. Please be sure to use the following addresses when interacting with EtherScore Dapp:
Badge Definition Factory (Beta version) Address: 0x2A503579eDdC8e698Dff381222B1E283f68271dF Description: Contract used to issue EtherScore badge definitions instances
Badge Token Factory (Beta version) Address: 0x6CF0aCc13418334384E9101e7345F355191dcfFe Description: Contract used to issue EtherScore badges instances
EtherScore Oracle (Beta version) Address: 0xAeC9D8128a75Cb93B56D4dCf693a04251f8b9340 Description: Contract used by EtherScore to verify badge eligibility conditions
Last updated