🎖ī¸How to claim badges?

Steps to participate and build your on-chain reputation:

  1. Connect your wallet

    1. Click on Connect Wallet in the top-right corner

    2. Select your wallet provider (Metamask, Walletconnect, etc.)

    3. Select Polygon Mumbai Testnet. Add network to your Metamask

    4. Get MATIC on Polygon Mumbai Testnet to pay gas fees. Faucet

  2. Claim eligible badges

    1. Click on claim to initiate 1st transaction

    2. Wait for 1st transaction confirmation.

    3. Click on Mint and execute a 2nd transaction to mint the NFT badge

    4. Wait for 2nd transaction confirmation.

  3. Enjoy badge holders benefits

    1. Join EtherScore DAO on Snapshot

Last updated