Badge benefits


Existing airdrop models are prone to price speculation risk, which can hurt a project when its users don’t optimally benefit from the drop. Airdrops also require significant resources for customer service and KYC processes, etc. By using EtherScore, protocols can easily customize an airdrop’s access conditions by issuing a badge and defining it as a requirement for claiming a drop. All a protocol would need to do to verify whether someone is eligible is to check whether a claimant holds the right badge.

User profile

Users will be able to build their own on-chain reputation/profiles by aggregating badges and linking identity provider solutions. Thanks to the ERC-721 standard, EtherScore Badges are easily integrable in any dApps to use as "pins'' on user profiles. This allows social networks and communities to build trust between users within a pseudonymous community. This could allow a community to find users of a certain platform based on their badges, or shed light on the experiences of representative users. EtherScore Badges could also be used for trophies or achievements in user profiles, for example identifying stakers in DeFi protocols, trusted contributors to DAOs, whitelisted NFT mint participants, or even video game trophies.

Discounts / Exclusive events / Selective token issues

Many kinds of rewards can be distributed to EtherScore Badge holders, such as discounts on services. Many protocols already use discount tiers with several levels of discount (for example, some centralized exchanges give discounts based on the number of exchange-issued tokens staked.) Badges could also be used as a membership card, restricting access to events, features, or special staking pools.

EtherScore Badges offer a better way to allocate tokens to legitimate users. Fundraisers can transparently select a specific community of token holders, which is particularly useful in the early stages of a project. This can create a virtuous cycle, where users and projects both benefit from increased activity and community curation. It would ensure that incentives only go to those who have β€œskin in the game,” encouraging an active, positive community.

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